Havering Music School Moves to Cashless

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

We are delighted to inform you that Havering Music School is moving to cashless.  This positive development has only been made possible with the assistance of The London Borough of Havering, who have supported us through this change.

In future, when paying for exams, new hire (not renewal), merchandise (including wristbands/bags/T Shirts), increasing existing packages and new starters we will send you a secure link with a unique code from Music School along with a personalised email requesting that payment be made using the link provided.

If your child is taking an exam in the spring term you will notice this change when you complete the entry form.

All regular payments currently made via direct debit, including general fees and hire renewal will continue as before.

We are confident this will be a positive move for our families and staff; no more finding the cheque book at the bottom of the drawer or the correct change, no more waiting for the on-line credit card payments to load.

Thank you for your support and patience as we implement this change.

As always, if you have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact us.

With kindest regards

Karen Tweddle